Talent Finder – Affordable Recruitment https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk Our recruitment solution is very powerful and helps you to target the BEST CANDIDATES in the industry, without having to pay over the odds and without the 'trial and error' approach. Tue, 08 Feb 2022 10:23:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/32x32-1.png Talent Finder – Affordable Recruitment https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk 32 32 Want to recruit staff for your Salon? https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/want-to-recruit-staff-for-your-salon/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/want-to-recruit-staff-for-your-salon/#respond Tue, 08 Feb 2022 10:23:45 +0000 https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/?p=16708 signs that you need recruiting help]]>

Want to recruit staff for your Salon?

ADVERTISEMENT | 08th February 2022

Let us find the best employees for your salon

Talent Finder is amongst the leading recruitment agencies in the UK, our team can assist you and find you highly skilled & best professionals for your business in the salon/beauty industry. With years of experience in this sector, we have great knowledge & can match the right technology professional with the right role.

We can help you find highly skilled candidates for various Salon and Beauty roles


Salon Manager

Hair Stylist/ HairDresser

Salon Assistant





And more


Why choose us?


Our Team 

Our team has a wealth of experience tackling recruitment issues and is dedicated to client success. Every client we work with receives a dedicated account support manager to ensure your Hiring project is given 100% attention.


Find The Best Fit For Your Sector

Talent Finder has access to the most reputable job boards so that you don’t have to waste time & energy dealing with each job board individually. Our innovative approach gets the best candidate for the job, making the interview process easy. For every industry sector our approach changes in terms of skills, strength, etc. 


Our Service is provided with guaranteed satisfaction 

Contact our team and we will assign to you a dedicated account manager to handle the entire hiring process. We will ensure your time is invested only in the best and most suitable candidates. Our business model is built on loyalty from our existing clients and excellent service. That’s why we’re able to offer a superior recruitment service at a fraction of the cost.

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Want to Recruit or Hire Restaurant Staff?

ADVERTISEMENT | 13th September 2021

Let us find the best employees for your Restaurant

Talent Finder UK is one among the leading recruitment agencies, our team can assist you and find you highly skilled & best professionals for your business in the restaurant industry. With years of experience in this sector we have great knowledge & can match the right technology professional with the right role.​

We can help you find highly skilled candidates for various restaurant jobs and technology roles





Serving Staff

Hosting Staff



And much more

Why choose us?

Our Team

Our team is combined with a wealth of experience tackling recruitment issues and is dedicated to client success. That’s why every client we work with receives a dedicated account support manager so that your Hiring project is given 100% attention.


Find The Best Fit For Your Sector

Talent Finder has access to a large repository of the UK’s most reputable job boards so that you don’t have to waste time & energy uploading manually to each one. Our innovative approach towards the candidates gets the best candidate for the job before you even interview them. For every industry sector our approach changes in terms of the skills, strength etc.


Our Services is provided with guaranteed satisfaction

Connect with our team and we will assign you a dedicated account manager to handle the entire hiring process for you. We will make sure that your time is invested only in the best and most suitable candidates. Our business model is built upon loyalty from our existing clients and excellent service. That’s why we’re able to offer a superior recruitment service at a fraction of the cost that traditional agencies charge.

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Want to recruit IT Staff /Looking for IT Staff/Want to hire IT Staff?- We will find the best employee for IT Sector https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/want-to-recruit-it-staff-looking-for-it-staff-want-to-hire-it-staff-we-will-find-the-best-employee-for-it-sector/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/want-to-recruit-it-staff-looking-for-it-staff-want-to-hire-it-staff-we-will-find-the-best-employee-for-it-sector/#respond Thu, 26 Aug 2021 20:44:32 +0000 https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/?p=14207 signs that you need recruiting help]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 27th Aug 2021

Talent Finder UK is one among the leading IT recruitment agencies, our team can assist you and find you highly skilled & best IT professionals for your business. With years of experience in this sector, we have great knowledge & can match the right technology professional with the right role.​

We can help you find highly skilled candidates for various IT jobs and technology roles

IT Developer

IT Project Manager

IT Business Analyst

Infrastructure architect

Network Engineer

Head Of IT

IT Director

Chief Information Officer

And much more

Why choose us?

Our Team

Our team is combined with a wealth of experience tackling recruitment issues and is dedicated to client success. That’s why every client we work with receives a dedicated account support manager so that your Hiring project is given 100% attention.

Find The Best Fit For Your Sector

Talent Finder has access to a large repository of the UK’s most reputable job boards so that you don’t have to waste time & energy uploading manually to each one. Our innovative approach towards the candidates gets the best candidate for the job before you even interview them. For every industry sector our approach changes in terms of skills, strength, etc.

Our Service is provided with guaranteed satisfaction

Connect with our team and we will assign you a dedicated account manager to handle the entire hiring process for you. We will make sure that your time is invested only in the best and most suitable candidates. Our business model is built upon loyalty from our existing clients and excellent service. That’s why we’re able to offer a superior recruitment service at a fraction of the cost that traditional agencies charge.

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https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/want-to-recruit-it-staff-looking-for-it-staff-want-to-hire-it-staff-we-will-find-the-best-employee-for-it-sector/feed/ 0
Hiring staff for a small business? https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/hiring-staff-for-a-small-business/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/hiring-staff-for-a-small-business/#respond Thu, 26 Aug 2021 20:39:17 +0000 https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/?p=14204 signs that you need recruiting help]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 27th Aug 2021

It’s important that each person you hire onboard is the best. The Staff that you hire carry a lot of the company’s success, & a single week candidate can do a lot of harm to your Small Business. Many small business owners hire quickly & in rush so that they can move forward & focus on making money. However, it’s a fact that not every candidate is as hard-working as they promise to be in an interview. Let us help you with a few tips on how to hire staff for a small business.

To start with, when hiring a candidate make sure you already know what qualities or strengths you are looking for. This fact usually gets highlighted on the resume. When taking the next step after approving the resume going forward:

  1. Let Them Know Why Should They ChooseTo Work For You

It is always important for a candidate to show you why they are a great fit for your company. Similarly, you also want to make them aware as to why they should want to work for your company or organization. When an employee is working for a small business, people are recognized more in that kind of environment. Which leads to a sense of growth in career in the future. These employees tend to work closely with other employees & have the opportunity to learn new skills.

  1.  It is important to be Flexible

It is important that you know who your ideal candidate should be. However, it is equally important to have an open mind & be flexible. You need to understand what you can bend a little on. Some candidates might not have the experience of working in your industry or a certain number of years of experience. However, these candidates might have a great resume & the skills that are impressive & actually needed for a role. It is always important that a  candidate is a hard worker with a great personality as you can always teach the right person how to do the job well.

3.    Keep the door open for potential Candidates

You never know for how long an employee might be with you. This is why it’s important that you always have your recruitment glasses on. So, if you have a potential candidate’s resume or if you ever meet someone who is curious about your business, or job opportunities, take their card or contact details. These connections can be checked back in the future when you have that open position to fill or when someone leaves the organization without serving any notice.

4.    Ask for Help

Where can you go to find potential candidates for employment? You should know who your dependable connections can be.  One of the best options is to partner up with a staffing & recruiting agency. Staffing agencies not only find talented candidates for you but also do all the HR work that is required for you. You just need to tell them what you are exactly looking for in an ideal candidate and they will hire the best candidate they find for you to interview.

Let Us Help You Find The Best

Talent Finder UK has recruited staff for various industries since 2016. We are always willing to help you find the best staff for your business. Over 98% of companies rate our service 4* or better. Fill Job Roles in any Job Sector in Any Location from £299. Contact us now.

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Advantages of Hiring a Staffing Agency https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/advantages-of-hiring-a-staffing-agency/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/advantages-of-hiring-a-staffing-agency/#respond Thu, 26 Aug 2021 20:32:25 +0000 https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/?p=14200 signs that you need recruiting help]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 27th Aug 2021

Few businesses refuse to work with a staffing agency because they think it is an unnecessary expenditure and they don’t need it.

At times there might be few instances in which you get a huge project & need extra hands immediately or expand the business & need manpower for that? At such an instance it could be troublesome to divide time & decide what is more important to do, such as making strategies & planning for the new project or spend all your time in finding good people for your team?

Staffing / Recruiting Agencies can be a great help in various situations. Let’s look at a few advantages of hiring a staffing agency:

Cost Saving

Staffing agencies not only hire as per the project or seasonal need but also focuses on the areas of core competence. This is one of the major advantages in terms of cost saving. Many companies or business owners think that hiring a recruitment agency can cost a lot of money. Well, the truth is it costs even less from what you would spend on doing it yourselves.

Ex- When you start a new project or you are a startup company, a staffing agency can save the cost of hiring a new HR to manage the new team. Staffing Agency even gives you prescreened Resumes which will reduce your cost of posting your job on various job boards.

Faster Hiring

Hiring a candidate for a position quickly is not possible at times. Some profiles may take up to 1 or 2 months. Finding a candidate involves advertising on different channels, searching through thousands of resumes, screening them, conducting interviews etc. This may sound like a lot of work for the hiring manager or HR. However, when this task is given to a staffing or recruitment agency it has all the necessary resources. They have a bulk database, specialized team, and strong software that will shorten the recruitment process, and they can provide relevant profiles quickly & complete the hiring process quickly.


Find Qualified & Right Fit

Hiring the right fit is a crucial task. If you hire a candidate that is unfit for the job role, your company will soon have a draining hole in its money bag. Hiring a recruitment agency will make the recruitment process easier and worthwhile. They will do all the crucial tasks for you & give the profiles that are the right fit for your needs. They have the expertise and specialized knowledge needed to get this crucial decision right.

Freedom from compliance hassle

Agencies reduce the contractual obligations of the employers towards their employees.  They take care of various aspects such as – employee benefits, payrolls, insurance, etc. They are always updated with the changing employment laws as it is an important factor to avoid legal complications.


A professional recruiting agency offers flexibility to employers.  Many companies need a workforce for a one-time project or a seasonal project. This task of finding temporary employees might get difficult to find. However, a staffing agency will solve your problem, it will give you flexibility and save you from long-term commitments.

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Signs That You Need Recruiting Help https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/blog6/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/blog6/#respond Tue, 19 Mar 2019 04:26:58 +0000 http://localhost/talentfindertk/?p=1226 signs that you need recruiting help]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 14th Oct 2018

As your business develops and grows, the requirement for staff increases. With this, comes the potentially time-consuming, and sometimes stress-inducing, recruitment process. With your business to run and employees to lead, an extra task can become an insurmountable challenge, especially if you find yourself facing one or more of these problems.

You cannot fill those shoes

When hiring for a position that you could not do yourself, filtering through your list of candidates can be a little daunting. The skills they speak of may confuse you and without knowing exactly what you are looking for, you could hire the wrong person. Ultimately, this will cost you and your business more money and time, but if you could hire right the first time, you would. This is where a recruitment agency becomes almost essential. Their experience and knowledge of specialist roles enables them in knowing what to look for. Working with a recruitment agency can support you in hiring for positions that you don’t know a great deal about, and at the end of the day, the cost to hire the right person is less than the cost to replace the wrong one.

“Never hire someone who knows less than you do about what he’s hired to do” – Malcolm Forbes

Time is money

With personal experience in recruitment, you may have a practised eye for the right candidates. However, with one too many duties, you simply may not have the time to spend on the hiring process. After searching, screening and short listing, you haven’t even completed the interviews yet, and what seemed like a relatively simple process has soon become an epic mission. With the helping hands of a recruitment agency, that workload can be lifted from your shoulders, freeing up your time to focus on other important responsibilities. You can still remain a part of the process, but it will reduce pressure knowing that there is more than one person working towards that goal.

“Time spent on hiring is time well spent” – Robert Half

Business isn’t booming

You explore your chosen market, discovering an opening for a dynamic, new product to emerge from and you put your all into what you envision to be a great success. The feeling of prosperity will soon pass when you realise that some employees are apathetically delivering piteous sales pitches. If your employees wouldn’t buy your product, what interest would they draw from to get a customer curious? Building a relationship with a candidate prior to hiring can help you to understand whether they are really interested by what you do. Recruitment agencies have those links with potential candidates and manage communications with them to interpret where their interests lie. This weeds out the candidates who have no real passion for your creation and puts a spotlight on those who do.

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant” – Jim Collins

Character conflict

Hiring the right person isn’t only about education and experience: it is also about personality. If your newest employee enjoys displaying behaviour others find disruptive or inappropriate for the workplace, it can cause conflict. This incompatibility amongst your employees can create tension and reduce work performance, especially if they are required to work in teams. Professional recruiters can help you to avoid this problem by assisting in the hiring process, determining candidates’ personality traits with the provision of cleverly constructed questions at the interview stage.

“You can’t teach employees to smile. They have to smile before you hire them” – Arte Nathan

The office is looking a little empty

You have found yourself experiencing the highest staff turnover since business began and you’re not sure where the problem lies. With a well-managed organisation, expertly constructed business plan and plenty of company benefits, what could the problem possibly be? Employees may find themselves leaving a company because they aren’t truly passionate in what they do or the money just isn’t enough, and this begins with recruitment. Finding a candidate with drive and dedication can be arduous and time-consuming, but for a recruitment consultant with experience and expertise, that is what the job is all about: sourcing a candidate with genuine interest and commitment, and not just money-minded motivation.

“Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for the love of it” – Henry David Thoreau

Talent Finder

Call for a free consultation on 01772 886799

Alternatively, email info@talentfinderuk.co.uk

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Questions For Employers (And Some Answers to Look Out For) https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/questions-for-employers-and-some-answers-to-look-out-for/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/questions-for-employers-and-some-answers-to-look-out-for/#respond Tue, 19 Mar 2019 04:26:20 +0000 http://localhost/talentfindertk/?p=1220 questions for employers (and some answers to look out for)]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 14th Oct 2018

When interviewing candidates, it can be difficult to get the right answers: this is why you need to start with the right questions. This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a great place to start in order to construct an effective set of interview questions.

Break the ice

The ‘tell me about yourself’ question is very frequently used to begin an interview, and rightly so, as it holds true merit when meeting a candidate for the first time. Not only does it open up the interview in a simple way, it also gives you a good opportunity to see how the candidate handles such a broad question. There are so many ways to respond but the key thing to look for here is what the candidate views as relevant and interesting.

Most candidates will rehearse these types of answers, which shows you what they put their effort into constructing, ready for the interview. The ideal answer will give you a concise background of their work history, without completely repeating their CV, alongside achievements and goals relevant to the role they are applying for. This will show you their experience, their success and what they hope to accomplish.

Make them think on their feet

The most effective way to do this is to give a real life scenario, relevant to the role, and ask the candidate how they would navigate the situation. This puts the candidate on the spot and forces them to really think. Due to the original and specific nature of the question, the answer cannot be rehearsed, and so you will be delivered an unprepared response. This allows you to observe the candidates ability to process information and adapt.

It will give you some insight into whether they will be a good fit for the role in question, as you can compare their answer with your ideal method of managing the given scenario. The candidate may have outstanding qualifications, but a scenario trial is a test of true skill.

Can the candidate cope with conflict?

‘Can you tell me about a time when you faced conflict and what you did to resolve the situation?’ This question isn’t all negative. Of course, it shows where an individual encountered an adverse situation, but the important thing to remember here is how they handled it. Everybody faces conflict, and it doesn’t have to be within work, but if a candidate cannot provide an answer, this should be a warning signal.

The best answers will give a brief explanation of the conflict, acknowledging all sides of the story, with an account of the steps the candidate took to attain resolution. This will show you how they cope with disputes, allowing you to understand the way they think, and whether they will be a good fit for your company.

Failure is sometimes the first step

‘What has been your biggest failure?’ The failure in particular is not the crucial part of this answer: the candidate’s ability to critically evaluate and learn from past mistakes is. This is why the response should cover the cause of failure and what the candidate would do differently, given the chance.

All in all, you want to hear that the candidate has worked to improve their weaknesses, and prevent disappointment in the same areas in the future. Failure serves as a reminder, to help push progress and show what you have overcome. The ideal candidate will recognise this, and therefore will not hide their downfalls, but use them as a tool for growth and development.

What is their passion?

What were you doing when you last lost track of time? It is essentially asking the candidate what they are passionate about, and this is important to find out a little about them personally. This can help you decide if they are suitable for the role as hobbies that have some relation to the job are more likely to make the candidate enjoy their daily working duties.

For example, with an IT Technician role, if the candidate enjoys fixing computers in their spare time, they are more likely to have a bigger interest in the job, and therefore, may perform better than other candidates. If the candidate says that they never lose track of time, they may not be being honest, or might not be that passionate about anything.

Fault and Forte

The candidate will most likely prepare for this question, and will have their strength and weakness ready. The real question is: do they make a negative a positive, or are they personally honest? It is common for candidates to say they are perfectionist, or something similar, and not really assess their own weaker areas. The best answers will be original and true, showing a real flaw that they are trying to work on and improve. This demonstrates the individual’s ability to be perceptive of their own capabilities.

The second part of this question will allow for you to see what the candidate considers to be a strength worthy of note. This can tell you more about them, as it indicates what they see as an asset and what skills and attributes they see as beneficial for a working environment. Knowing where they place that importance can help you decide if they are the right person for the role.

They’re right for the role, are they right for the company?

Management staff, and the way they operate within your business, are a good way to assess the candidate’s suitability for not just the role, but the company itself. Asking the candidate how they like to be managed can open up discussion about how they like to work, and if they can co-operate and coordinate with those in higher-ranking roles.

You want to ensure that their answer reflects the system of management within your business, as it is essential for your business that everybody can work well together, without conflict, because this will build a strong and positive working environment.

What are they leaving, and what do they want from that?

What is pushing them to leave their current role? The answer you receive can not only highlight what they want to move away from, but also what they want to move towards. If an individual is leaving because of lack of career progression, then that shows they are expecting to be able to progress better through working for you.

Understanding what a candidate wants from you can help you to better know what they will do for you. If an individual is focused on career progression, they may work harder, however, it can also shine a light on why they haven’t already received promotion. Are they expecting to advance without really putting the work in?

For any more information and advice, or for a free consultation, call 01772 886799 or email info@talentfinderuk.co.uk.

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Recruitment Methods: When You’re Spoilt for Choice https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/recruitment-methods-when-youre-spoilt-for-choice/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/recruitment-methods-when-youre-spoilt-for-choice/#respond Tue, 19 Mar 2019 04:24:36 +0000 http://localhost/talentfindertk/?p=1217 recruitment methods: when you’re spoilt for choice]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 14th Oct 2018

Using external recruitment services for the first time, comes with the headache-inducing decision of who to choose. And before you get wrapped up in who’s an expert in this and that, there are different methods of recruiting to think about first. Traditional, flat fee, newspaper advertising, and the list goes on…

Traditional Recruitment
Traditional recruitment is usually the most popular method of recruitment as the entire workload can be taken out of your hands, and handled by top recruitment consultants. And that sounds great, because it will give you more, stress-free time and you will be happy knowing that the candidate will be sourced by professionals. What’s not so great, is that those professionals don’t come cheap. You will be paying a big fee at the end of the process, and the candidate you have forked out for, might not be the sedulous staff member you were keen to hire.

Media Advertisement
Advertising in the newspaper, radio or on television, is a great idea in terms of reach and impact; it is probably the fastest way to reach the most people in a short space of time. Mass media has an immense impact, and can launch a job listing from the ground to the moon, but the weight of your pockets afterwards? Now that might be a little scary. Unless your company can afford the expense with ease, you might want to turn your attention to another, more pocket-friendly, method.

Word of Mouth
If you have a social butterfly in your ranks, recruiting by word of mouth could do you some good. To reach relevant people through this method is difficult, but with time, perseverance, and ultimately, a lot of good business connections, you might get somewhere. The unreliability, however, is the biggest downfall here. If you have little time, and little social influence, you might be best with almost any other method.

Online Job Boards
The popularity of online job boards is continuously increasing due to the ease and simplicity of finding relevant vacancies; additionally, the process of listing a vacancy is painless, and often not too expensive for one. The drawback here, is the fact that to effectively promote your vacancy, you would need to post your job advertisement on multiple boards. This takes time, and the more you do, the more the cost will climb.

Social Media
Recruiting via social media is a fairly newer method on the table. It is free and simple, but it also isn’t. With something as time-consuming as this, can you really consider it free? Time is money, and it could take hours, days or even weeks to use social media as a recruitment method. It seems rather simple, but privacy settings and accounts with little detail can make it harder to find who you’re looking for. Social media is best used as a tool alongside another method, as it is a good resource to fall back on.

Flat Fee Recruitment
And now, after all that, what if I told you that you can combine all the best methods and come out on top, with a still-heavy pocket and a great list of potential candidates? That’s because you chose flat fee recruitment. Flat fee recruitment is one set, agreed fee, for the services you require. Your vacancy will be promoted, and at the end, you will be left with a list of great candidates to choose from. To promote the vacancy, the agency may use social media, online job boards, word of mouth and newspaper advertisement, combining all the best of recruitment methods to bring you the right candidate.

Talent Finder Call – 01772886799 Email – info@talentfinderuk.co.uk
If you need any help or advice regarding recruitment, feel free to contact us at Talent Finder. We are can offer you instruction and guidance, or if you like, a free consultation for our services.
At Talent Finder, we utilise the potential of social media, the popularity of online job boards, and the power of mass media advertisement, alongside promotion to our existing connections, in order to bring you exceptionally priced Flat Fee advertising, helping to collapse the financial barrier of hiring new staff.

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How to Keep Employees Engaged https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/how-to-keep-employees-engaged/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/how-to-keep-employees-engaged/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2019 09:20:10 +0000 http://localhost/talentfindertk/?p=1156 how to keep employees engaged]]>


ADVERTISEMENT | 14th Oct 2018

How to keep Employees Engaged

Employee engagement is a global problem. According to several sources, six out of ten employees in the UK feel undervalued at work. A team of clock-watcher’s is fatal to a growing company.

Employers which implement a successful employee engagement strategy outperform their competitors in profitability and productivity. So what’s the secret to successful employee engagement? How do successful companies beat the odds, and what does that actually look like?

Here are 2 engagement strategies that work

Make the right hire

You often hear people talking about having the right work culture and instilling a sense of purpose but the truth is that you’ll do less work in these areas if you have a good candidate screening process.

Ensure you set up a good recruitment process. Thorough screening, including take home assignments results in employing people who are engaged from the very beginning. Your employees will feel well-suited for their jobs, support your vision, and model your company values.

An example of a good employee engagement idea is of an organisation which makes hiring decisions based on candidates’ natural inclinations towards “intrapraneurship”, generally defined as behaving like an entrepreneur within a larger organisation. They assess this by asking candidates to talk about how they started new initiatives at their previous workplace. The people who are the most valued in businesses are the ones who act like owners. They consistently go the extra mile in helping the company, their customers, and each other.

Give credit where credit is due

This may sound obvious, but companies need to get better at praising and rewarding employees when they’ve done well. Recognition is one of the top three drivers of employee engagement, and companies that make a practice of recognising great work become a better place to work. Saying “thank you” doesn’t need to be expensive. A newsletter spotlight or a standing ovation at the next meeting will work just as well.


The above are 2 examples of how to keep employees engaged within a workplace. If you would like further information on how Talent Finder is helping companies to recruit, please contact our team on 0161 327 2895 or email us at info@talentfinderuk.co.uk

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Best Places to Advertise Jobs https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/best-places-to-advertise-jobs/ https://www.talentfinderuk.co.uk/best-places-to-advertise-jobs/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2019 07:01:01 +0000 http://localhost/talentfindertk/?p=1149 best places to advertise


ADVERTISEMENT | 14th Oct 2018

The best place to advertise jobs will depend on the business itself and the type of job seeker that’s being targeted. For example, local shops will be focusing on local residents whereas larger corporations are likely to target a much wider audience of professionals. When it comes to advertising jobs, there are a lot of options.

Top Ways To Advertise A Job

From online job boards to signs in a window, different businesses take different routes. However, there’s no need to worry about being short of candidates if you advertise a vacancy well. So, where’s best?

  • On Various Job Boards

Job boards are one of the top ways people look for jobs, so it only makes sense to use them for job advertisements. Job boards allow for millions of people from various locations to search for specific jobs, meaning they have a fantastic outreach in return for very little time and money. By using Talent Finder you can advertise a role on multiple job boards at the click of a button. Then, simply sit back and wait for the best applicants to apply.

  • On The Company’s Website

Many job seekers will head directly to the specific company they want to work for. So, it’s a great idea to advertise a job on the blog or a dedicated ‘work for us’ section. Plus, this means that those applying are likely to already be aware of the company and its values.

  • In Local Coffee Shops

If you’re advertising a job for a local business, use local coffee shops or cafes. Though the advertisement will only be seen by those in the local area, it ensures that anyone applying lives close by and has knowledge of the local area.

  • At The Business Itself

One of the top places to advertise a job is at the business itself; this is usually done by placing a ‘help wanted’ or ‘we’re hiring’ sign at the window. Advertising a vacancy at the business itself works well for shops, restaurants and bars. The aim is to attract job seekers who are passing by or those who a fans of the business to begin with.

  • On Social Media

Most businesses have a presence on social media, whether that’s just one platform or more, and many use this as a way to advertise roles. Advertising a job on the company’s social media pages is a cost effective and quick way to provide potential candidates with all of the information they need. Plus, it has a wide outreach that isn’t limited by location.

As you can see, the best places to advertise jobs vary from those that are online and those that are offline. To ensure you have the best choice of candidates, use Talent Finder and advertise on as many different platforms as possible.

If you would like further information on how Talent Finder is helping companies to recruit, please contact our team on 0161 327 2895 or email us at info@talentfinderuk.co.uk

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